Monday, January 5, 2009

Counting My Near Death Experiences Today and Naming Them One By One

Holy snow patrol. Today was dangerous for anything on four wheels, especially those mileage friendly locomotion nightmares made out of leftover cat food cans. You press down on the gas pedal in the middle of a blizzard and you're afraid the car will just go in circles. It's like watching an Emo ballet on ice. Anyway, so I probably nearly died about four times just from going to and from my job and then to the downtown area for school.

My prison break is over and it's time for the inmates to get back to the grind. A whole new batch of classes started today, and first up was Advertising. First day not so bad. Meh. Give it a few weeks, right? In all honestly I think it'll be a great class and I might actually enjoy it a little bit. Yeah. Enjoy. Just like hamsters in cages enjoy finding new ways to escape. So far the Advertising class entertainment consists of an outgoing Latino Vin Diesel look-alike and a 50-something hush-puppy plastic surgery experiment who wore a pink business suite to class and showed up 30 mintues late. She had these horrible long nails, and everytime she typed something on the old laptop it made this eerie clicking noise. It was like zombie woodpeckers hanting the classroom and I just wanted to call the ghost hunters on my cell phone and put an end to it.

Tommorow is a death-trap class called Quantitative Reasoning. Stay tuned for more from the peanut brigaid.

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me of this lady at my chiropractor's office. She's 80 and she wears these business suits and huge blonde wigs. And luscious fur coats/hats. And she's always showing the Dr. how flexible she is. And it's disturbing.
