Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pounding On The Whitehouse Door

Knock knock knock!!!

Hello?? Senor Bush?? Are you in there???

I know you're very busy defending your legacy right now, Mr. President, but surely you can see that it's time to let Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean out of prison now. They're not collector's edition one-of-a-kind/never-been-out-of-the-box action figures, sir. They're not shiny gold trophies.

Sure, it's a little too late for your approval ratings and all, and I AM super sorry that the media "misunderestimated" you. But don't you see?? This can be the ultimate "misunderestimation" of all time! Pardon Ramos and Compean and keep those reporters guessing! Come on, sir. It isn't too late to do the right thing.


So they say we've lost the drug war. Did you know that? I suppose we all might as well unlock our doors, open our garages and hand our car keys over to the drug cartels because one of these days they'll be coming to a neighborhood near YOU. According to a article, "Drug-related offenses and drug-using lifestyles are major contributors to the U.S. crime problem."

That's right, kids. Crack dopers and weed snuffers run the country while the rest of us drive our little station wagons down the freeway praying to whatever God we worship that we won't get hit by gang crossfire that day. On Friday I heard the local news report that a young man was shot on the 15 N freeway near 21st. He was just a random teenager who happened to get in the way of two gangs trying to poke each other's eyes out. With bullets. The poor kid died. And this happened in UTAH! Utah, people! Happy valley!! If saggy pant rag wearing joint pushers are running lawless in Mormonville, I don't even want to know how the rest of the country is faring.

So, sit your butt down if you want to hear a sad story about Ramos and Compean and why I'm so outraged.

Once upon a time there were two border patrol agents named Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos and Jose Compean. They were just ordinary citizens going to work everyday, putting their lives on the line to protect our borders from mob bosses and fat cats. They had families. Little children. Wives. You get the picture.

One day Ramos and Compean came accross a dude from Mexico trying to smuggle drugs accross the border. Now, this little schmuck was a repeat offender. A bad man. A fat cat who needed to be put down, if you know what I mean. So Ramos and Compean began to chase him on foot. Now, according to Ramos, this little drug lord's peon pointed something shiny at them. The agents, perfectly within their rights as border guards, opened fire. And they hit him. In the derrier. The posterior region. The keister. This guy's flabby bottom must have been the perfect target.

Anyway, offended by the bullets lodged in his backside, the drug smuggler fled back to Mexico and began complaining about how painful it was to sit down now and well, the U. S. District Attorneys caught wind of it and decided to punish the well-meaning border patrol agents for their hate crimes against narcotics traffickers because CRIMINALS have feelings too.

You can read the whole story here if you want. Basically, Ramos and Compean were convicted of all kinds of trumped up charges (keeping the peace instead of disturbing it, you know) and today they are both serving 10-year sentences in solitary confinement. It is an outrage and nothing short of barbaric atrocity. They are political prisoners of a government owned lock, stock and barrel by the Mexican Federalli.

When I first heard this story several years ago I was like most of you and thought, "Oh, how sad," but never tried to do anything about it. Today, with our rights and freedoms slowly diminishing, I have realized that terrible scenerios could very well play out in my lifetime. Consider this one: When the government went after border patrol agents, I did nothing because I wasn't a border patrol agent. When the government went after foster parents, I did nothing because I wasn't a foster parent. When the government went after religious conservatives I did nothing because I wasn't a religious conservative. Then, when the government came after me, there was nobody left to defend me.

Today I wrote an e-mail to the Whitehouse urging the president to reconsider pardons for Ramos and Compean. I strong encourage you to do the same.

Here is the address:

After President Obama is inagurated, the Whitehouse comment line will come back up and I will be making a phone call to the new administration. I'll let you know how that goes.

Remember: evil wins when good people decide to do nothing. Don't let the drug mafia take over. Don't let innocent people rot in jail. Don't let hamberger sit out on the counter. This has been a public service announcement from yours truly. Don't be a bum. Tip your waiter on the way out.

1 comment:

  1. hey look there goes ZORO, and look he's got long hair and a chest!! Good post darling, your most correct, if we don't fight for our rights now, we will be pigs in a pen soon w/ no way out.
